I devote this blog how much i love "The Twilight Saga" and it will not end forever

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

My Favorite Dialogue Part 2...

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart)
→ You know, your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash.

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson)
→ I only said it'd be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be.

Bella Swan
→ What does that mean?

Edward Cullen
→ It means, if you were smart, you'd stay away from me.

Bella Swan
→ Okay, well let's say for argument sake that I'm not smart. Would you tell me the truth?

Edward Cullen
→ No, probably not. I'd rather hear your theories.

Bella Swan
→ I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite.

Edward Cullen
→ That's all superhero stuff, right? What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the bad guy?

Bella Swan
→ You're not. I can see what you're trying to put off. But I can see that it's just to keep people away from you, it's a mask. ............................

James (Cam Gigandet)
[tormenting someone] It's always the same inane questions: "Who are you'"

Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre)
→ "What do you want'"

→ "Why are you doing this'"

Laurent (Edi Gathegi)
→ James, let's not play with our food..........................

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart)
→ I'm not afraid of you, I'm only afraid of losing you. I feel like you're gonna disappear.

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson)
→ You don't know how long I've waited for you. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

Bella Swan
→ What a stupid lamb.

Edward Cullen
→ What a sick, masochistic lion................................

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

My favorite dialogue .... part 1

bella : you're impossibly fast and strong. your skin is pale white and ice cold. your eyes change color. and sometimes you speek like that you're come from different time. you never eat or drink anything. you don't go out into sunlight.
bella : how old are you ?
edward : seventeen
bella : how long have you been seventeen ?
edward : a while
bella : i know what you're
edward : say it. out loud. say it
bella : vampire
edward : are you affraid ?
bella : no
edward : than ask me the most embassic question → what do we eat ?
bella : you wont hurt me....


bella's dialog after she knew that edward was her LOVE

"about three things i was absolutely positive :

first, Edward was a vampire
second, there was a part of him ––and i didn't know how dominant that part might be–– that thirsted for my blood
and third, i was uncondicionally and irrevocably IN LOVE WITH HIM"

Dialog Baseball Scene

Esme: Glad you're here. We need an umpire.
Emmett: She thinks we cheat...
Esme: I know you cheat. Call them as you see them, Bella.
Bella: Okay.
Alice: It's time.
Bella: okay, now I see why you need the thunder.
That's gotta be home run, right?
Esme: Edward's very fast...
Carlisle: Come home, Rosalie!
Bella: You're out.
Emmett: Out! Whoo! Babe, come on... It's just a game...
Carlisle: Nice kitty
Edward: What are you doing?
Rosalie: My monkey man...
Alice: Stop!
They were leaving. Then they heard us.
Edward: Let's go.
Carlisle: It's too late.
Edward: Get your hair down.
Rosalie: Like that'll help. I can smell her from across the field.
Edward: I shouldn't brought you here. I'm so sorry.
Bella: What?
Edward: Just be quiet and stand behind me.
Laurent: I believe this belongs to you.
Carlisle: Thank you.
Laurent: I'm Laurent. And this is Victoria, and James.
Carlisle: I'm Carlisle. This is my family.
Laurent: Hello.
Carlisle: I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.
Laurent: Our apologies. We didn't relize the territory had been claimed.
Carlisle: Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby.
Laurent: Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We just passing through.
Victoria: The humans were tracking us. But we led them east. You should be save.
Carlisle: Excellent.
Laurent: So, could you use three more players?
Oh, come on, just one game?
Carlisle: Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You could take their place. We'll bat first.
Victoria: I'm the one with the wicked curveball.
Jasper: Well, I think we can handle that.
Laurent: Wo... Ho!
Victoria: We shall see...
James: Hhhh.... hhaaaahhh... You brought a snack...
All(except for bella): Grrrh...
Laurent: A human?
Carlisle: The girl is with us. I think the best if you leave.
Laurent: I can see the game is over. We'll go now.
Edward and James: Grrrh...
Laurent: James.
Carlisle: Get Bella out of here. Go.
Bella: Okay, I've got it! I've got it! I'm all right.
What? Now he's coming after me?
Edward: Listen to me. James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession. My reaction on the field set him off. I just made this, his most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop.
Bella: What should we do?
Edward: We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces.
Bella: Where are we going?
Edward: Away from Forks. We'll get a ferry to Vancouver.
Bella: I have to go home.
Edward: He's just gonna trace your scent there. It's the first place he's gonna look.
Bella: But my dad is there. We...
Edward: It doen't matter!
Bella: Yes it does! He could get killed because of us!
Edward: Just let me get you out of here first, okay?
Bella: It's my dad! We have to go back. We'll figure a way to lead the tracker away somehow. I don't know. But we have to do something.

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

...Vampire characteristics...

who knows its own characteristics of Vampire ....
well, here I'll explain it ....
The first ... "Undead"
Second ... "Speed"
The third ... "Strength"
The fourth ... "cold-skinned"
five ... "Immortal"
The sixth and final ... 'drank blood'
The sixth was discrete from the vampire that I know of is my favorite movie is The Twilight ....

...Scenes and events...

I was most amazed by the scene where all the Cullen family together bella is playing "baseball", which was supposed to wait for lightning and the roar first ... because they make all the touch will bring the roar of a very, very awesome ...
It was amazing to me ...
Emmet and Edward especially scenes Colliding with each other in the sky ...
wuihhh ... it was very, very, very cool ....
and the scene that really amazed me was when alice wicked break the neck of the James ...
then all burned up the body of the James ... hihiihi ... it was very scary at the same time ...... woow amazing ... until now I could not forget the incident ever .... huh ...^_ ^ ...

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

...About The Twilight...

The first one told me of the Twilight movie is my sister ... she said that this film is very romantic and very, very amazing ...
after that I watched the movie "The Twilight Saga Newmoon" and started from there, I'm so crazy about The Twilight .... maybe I was one of the Twilighters of the world ........ I am very, very, very a crush on The Twilight ......
I love Twilight ...
I love Cullen's ...
I love Quileute tribe ...
I love forks ...
I love everything about twilight ...
and I really want to be one of the Cullen's family ...
which is to become a "Vampire "....
hahaha .... maybe now I'm dreaming ...
and also who's going to bite my neck until the poison is spread out and made me dying first ... and became immortal who will live forever ...


Holla ....
I just wanted to tell me if in this blog,
I will not send posts the excessive or very long ...
because if that happens maybe people who visit my blog will feel tired ...
but, do not feel bored to look at my personal blog ...
but maybe in a long time I would write something that relates to the width of The Twilight ..

...I really want to buy it...

image on the left, it is a book that wants to really buy it ...
because the book was peeling on all the details about twilight ...
possible, all the Twilighters of the world would have bought it ...
because in the book were about "clothes, behind the scenes, and others" ...
and there's another one that is''the magazine The Twilight "... and I do not know what the name of the book ...
It is certain about all of The Twilight Saga ...
yeah, the price is 70 000 rupiah ... if bought in a bookstore in Indonesia ...
and now I'm saving enough money to buy a novel, book and magazine ...
may already have the book must have been very happy ... yeah, if I have it now maybe I was screaming because I was very, very happy .... aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkhhhhhhh ........!!!!!!!!! !